Sunday 5 March 2017

I wake up everyday feeling blessed

I wake up everyday feeling blessed.

I have everything i need. I have my family, people who love and care for me. I have wonderful friends, who always got my back. I have a job. I have colleagues who are actually friends. I have God and i know that He loves me. :) 

and.. i also have my dear boyfriend. Thank God that we started talking and going out again. Glad that i am always your number 1, for always giving in to me >.< (when im feeling cranky or wants attention) for loving me and taking care of me whenever i have cramps or when i'm sick. Always being there and showing me that he is really just a phone call away? For.. always being so generous to my family and I. Making my life more colorful and for respecting me. and.. never walking away although i'm always telling you to go away. Thank you and i love you and i think we're meant for each other. oh and i love that, you never let your ego stand between the both of us. 

hahahaha kthxbye 

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