Monday 6 March 2017

Random stuff

My virgin experience at chimes hall; BF cousin wedding. It's a really nice place, honestly if you host your wedding banquet there, u can save a lot on decor! :D 

Met up with Mr Er Wei Shen for dinner and we had some drinks actually.. 2 bottles! HAHAHAHA we are such good drinkers tsktsk and we ate the cheese plate! LOVED IT. but omgosh there is this cheese... i abhorred it! NOOOOOOOOOO i will never put it in my mouth ever again. the taste is soooooo but the staff said many people love it. sorry just not me hahaha it was a fun night. 

Fel, Yz, BF and myself, we are going on a trip together! EXCITED but the planning process is torturous! urgh.. weeta is like a project manager hahahaha always making us meet up and he doesn't allow procrastination >< sometimes he is a pain in the ass but ok we need people like that right. usually im quite chill lah but placing all of us on a scale i guess its... with weeta being the most "not chill", yz, fel, me. hahahaha anyway ya i'm prepared to be spending money alr. looking forward to it!!!!!!!!

Waiting to go for teambuilding, mukshidonna with wendy and angela and mookata for this week! meeting up with shirleen andrea brandon and ziye then off to church camp next week! 


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