Friday 17 February 2017

Work and Course

wahaha sorry, but i'm not blogging much about work (it's sensitive ok) LOL

but i love my job and colleagues k.

ok anyway, we went for workplan and i think CE is a really nice person. Really like the way he talk, sounds really sincere! And this pigeonhole platform (LOVE IT) but its really expensive .. if only we can use it for in house training hahaha no budget.. coming to that, mel and i really need to start working on it!

anyway~~ First time attending course with wantheng.
"Leading through people" at capelle

Fun class seriously. I would recommend people to attend haha anyway our class was made up with many I people

we did the DISC test and i think its obvious that i'm a I person.

C-(i forgot) but its something to do with being really meticulous and correct. (Kinda OCD) hahaha

wt was a CS im a IS, mel and hazel a SC.

trainer was funny, and we kept reminding him to end the class early hahaha if not he will end it at 6 (*(#$*(#^()

hmm well, we met many new people and the class was really fun. many young people! Ate lunch together hahaha there is this guy from rolling stock and his voice was really really low..... low... not kidding! and the way he laughs... HAHAHA make us wanna laugh whenever he is laughing hahahahaha met this really nice indian guy from project team

i had fun and yay! going staycation tomorrow with sinfei, fel and yz.

tired but watching this movie called central intelligence

good night!

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