Monday 6 February 2017

Kailijumei lipstick

So happy! Received my Kailijumei lipstick today! 
The box did not look classy but the mirror and the lipstick inside was. It changes according to your temperature (SO COOL) 

Anyway, I've been doing the insanity workout for the past 2 weeks. 
Feeling really accomplished! And my dresses and skirts can fit better now =x This workout really make me perspire so much that even my panty is like drenched! (Not kidding) By right you're supposed to follow strictly to their workout calender... i did the by left lah. HAHAHA 
but still for someone who did not exercise for 1 year +, i deserve a round of applause ok 

Anyway, i strongly recommend the insanity workout! 

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