Saturday 13 June 2020

First trimester

yay! i'm now at week 12 and 2 more days i'll be entering week 13. Soon it will be the end of the first trimester.

first trimester is really tough for me! I feel sick everyday the moment i'm out of bed. Nauseous and the lack of appetite. i can only eat rice with soup and even with that, i'll vomit the food out. I'm just tired and restless. Feels kinda sad but the only comfort is that, the baby is growing well. hahaha
Knowing it's not easy and it's also something that i got to go through inevitably, i was just waiting for the day to pass.

At week 11, i started to feel a little better! more energy and i thought i can finally stop vomiting.. nahh bloatedness started to creep in. and my stomach can be as big as a balloon. i applied ru yi oil everyday, it really helps! so far so good! oh and i suffers from heartburn as well

week 12, i do feel more energetic but i'm still vomiting like 3-4 times a day. i feel that the food are like stones in my stomach or throat, i need to vomit to get it out. sucky feeling but what to do?
I'm also supposed to take the obimin multivitamins from week 12 onwards. this pill causes constipation! now i can only do it like once every 2 days. and the stools are black! (i wonder why) i googled they said it might be due to the iron in the pill

going to week 13 in 2 days (can't wait) going for my scans at week 13, gonna do the oscars. Pray that the Lord will bless and protect this baby. Pastor said the mother's emotions are really important as the baby can feel it too. AMAZING.

Dear Baby,

Mummy loves you a lot ok. Regardless which gender you are, i will love you and i pray that you will grow up well and healthy and be a good kid ok. Grow up well and may you have a real relationship with God too!


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