Monday 29 June 2020

First Trimester is finally over and the start of Second Trimester

YAY!!! HURRAY!!!! My morning sickness is finally better at week 14 day 1 HAHAHA

like i no longer have to vomit after every meal. but i mean if i want i could? just that now i have a choice haha

First trimester is really difficult. didn't know growing a baby could be so tough.

Went to KKH just now to see the doctor regarding my OSCAR test (FTS). KKH will always recommend mothers to do the FTS first without the NIPT cause u get to scan and see the structural parts of the body to see if he/she is normal. Only when u belong to the higher risk group, then they will recommend the NIPT. However, if you choose to do the NIPT, they will ask u to do both the FTS and the NIPT together. of course NIPT is more accurate lah but also more expensive and without subsidy.

Anyway, so we went with the FTS and thank God! ALL IS WELL :) oh and you don't know the gender until week 20 if u arent doing the NIPT. but honestly, regardless whether the child is a boy or girl, you're still gonna love ur baby SO SO SO SO much. cause 1. trying to conceive (TTC) is already so difficult! like it's not a u think you want now, u get now leh. to me, it's really a blessing from God and a miracle in itself to be pregnant. Also, it's a sacred task given to you and your husband, to bring up the child well and teach them how to be a decent human being.

Tomorrow will be Week 15 yay! oh and i heard the baby's heartbeat again today AWWWW

hmm, honestly having a baby is so expensive hahaha besides the medical bills, you still got to think of the pram/car seat, baby cot, milk bottles, confinement nanny (at least 3k!), which hospital (private or public) etc etc etc etc

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